Docker & Model Context Protocol
Explore Docker's integration with the Model Context Protocol (MCP), offering containerized MCP servers that enable AI assistants to access external tools and data sources.
MCP Servers
Discover containerized MCP servers available on Docker Hub under the mcp/ namespace, providing AI assistants with specialized capabilities.
Ask Gordon
Learn how to use Docker's Ask Gordon CLI assistant with MCP servers through simple Docker Compose configuration.
Access comprehensive guides on configuring and using Docker-based MCP servers with various AI assistants.
Join the community and contribute to the growing ecosystem of Docker MCP servers and tools.
Docker & Model Context Protocol
The Model Context Protocol (MCP) is an open protocol designed by Anthropic that enables AI assistants such as Claude to interact with external tools and data sources in a standardized way.
Docker has partnered with Anthropic to build and maintain container images for MCP servers, available on Docker Hub under the mcp/
namespace. This partnership brings several benefits:
- Containerized MCP Servers: Run MCP servers as containers with proper isolation and security
- Ask Gordon Integration: Use Docker's CLI AI assistant with MCP servers through gordon-mcp.yml
- Docker Compose Configuration: Leverage Docker Compose for easy setup with bind mounts and environment variables
- Official Repository: Access verified MCP server images from Docker Hub
- Customizable Access: Control which resources MCP servers can access through container configuration
Quick Start with Ask Gordon:
# Create gordon-mcp.yml
image: mcp/time
image: mcp/fetch
image: mcp/filesystem
- /rootfs
- .:/rootfs
Then simply run: docker ai 'what time is it in Tokyo?'
MCP Servers on Docker Hub
Browse the collection of MCP servers available as Docker containers.
Time Server
Provides date and time capabilities
Fetch Server
Enables web browsing and content retrieval
Filesystem Server
Provides filesystem access within mounted directories
PostgreSQL Server
Connects to PostgreSQL databases
Git Server
Provides Git operations
SQLite Server
Enables SQLite database operations
GitHub Server
Interacts with GitHub repositories and resources
Brave Search Server
Performs searches using Brave Search
Note: Requires API token
Google Drive Server
Accesses Google Drive files and folders
Note: Requires Google authentication
Slack Server
Interacts with Slack workspaces
Note: Requires Slack API token
Google Maps Server
Provides location and mapping services
Note: Requires Google Maps API token
GitLab Server
Interacts with GitLab repositories and resources
Note: Requires GitLab authentication
Everything Server
A multi-tool server with various capabilities
Note: May require specific configuration
AWS Knowledge Base Retrieval Server
Retrieves information from AWS knowledge bases
Note: Requires AWS credentials
Sentry Server
Interacts with Sentry error monitoring
Note: Requires Sentry authentication
Sequential Thinking Server
Provides structured thinking capabilities
Issue: The tool description is too long for Gordon to process
Puppeteer Server
Browser automation and screenshot capabilities
Issue: Returns images that Gordon cannot currently handle (Gordon only processes text responses)
Everart Server
Image generation capabilities
Issue: Returns images that Gordon cannot currently handle (Gordon only processes text responses)
Memory Server
Persistent memory capabilities for conversational context
Issue: Cannot be configured to use a custom path for its knowledge base
Want to contribute to the Docker MCP ecosystem?
Add your MCP server or tool to this collection by submitting a pull request. We welcome all community contributions!